Friday, January 18, 2008

Why God made Grandmas....

While I was looking for stuff that would lift my spirit today, I remembered that there is a Christian version of youtube. It's called Godtube. So I decided to surf that. I found several heartwarming videos but this one topped it for me today. My lola turned 91 years old last January 7, 2008 and the past days she has become progressively weaker. Now she can't stand nor walk when last year she could still quite manage to walk from the bedroom to our sala. She refuses to eat most of the time, that's why she nearly fainted last Sunday. It's heartbreaking to see her slowly wasting away. I guess it's also because we don't talk or interact with her much. I mean, I would literally die of boredom if all I did was stare at the ceiling while the rest of the family went about their own lives.

I love my lola and though I keep vowing to myself to spend more time with her, I am afraid I will wake up one day and find it too late. So tonight, we're eating at home for dinner. And I will make it a point to chat with lola even for just a while. Anyway, this little boy's final insight was what got to me. . .

1 comment:

dhoop kinara said...
