Thursday, August 21, 2008

A post ... finally!

Hi folks!

I know I have been remiss in blogging the past weeks. I have several valid reasons for not doing so but the past week or so, its more or less due to my own laziness which has crept in. The first valid reason was because we lost internet connection at home and had to wait for it to be installed. Along with the internet connection, we got a landline and cable TV and that is another reason why I haven't blogged. I get sucked into the TV! That's why I've resolved not to open the TV until I'm done with specific 'to do' stuff :)

Anyway, I've finally mustered up enough energy to actually blog a little. Maybe I can get back into the groove of blogging after this :) I've finally attended a Breastfeeding class offered by our medical provider, Kaiser. It was very informative. We had baby dolls to practice the different holds there are to nurse a baby. I just hope I can actually breastfeed Therese. Junby and I are inclined to try it since breastfeeding does have a lot of advantages for both mother and child. Karen, Junby's cousin also suggested I not leave the hospital until I get the help I need in terms of getting the baby to breastfeed since its harder to get the help once we get home.

Also, Junby and I have finally had our pictorial two weeks ago. The photos were done by Ryan, Junby's cousin, who does photos for events like weddings and such. You can check out his work at his website:

Here are some of my favorite shots from the pictorials. And yes, I have gained a lot but I'm looking to lose the extra pounds when I've given birth and all. :) The rest of the pictures are found here.

Well, that's all for now. Will think of other things to blog about next time. Tomorrow will be another prenatal visit and on friday an express childbirth preparation class. Express since we're doing this at a late time in my pregnancy already :) Continue to keep us in your prayers especially for a safe and normal delivery. Thanks everyone and God bless!

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