Thursday, February 08, 2007


While in Dumaguete, waiting for the sun to rise after attending dawn mass, I was able to take this picture...reminds me of the times I used to wonder deep thoughts while walking along the seashore...

The sea always helped me put things in proper perspective. Against the vastness of the ocean, what sort of achievement can I boast of. Against the endless rolling in of the tides, what sort of rootedness can I claim. Against the depth of the ocean, what sort of inventions can I lay claim to? When life seems too much, I seek the vast sea, the endless rolling of the waves and the depths of the ocean to put me in my place..."What is man that you should be mindful of him/the son of Man that you should care for him..."

1 comment:

jun asis said...

How deep, how long, how lavish...

His Unconditional Love Overwhelms.