Wednesday, July 11, 2007

Unexpected find

Have you ever had those days that things just seem to fall into place? I think I'm having one of those days. Though I did start my day rather abruptly, since I woke up to find that it was already 7:30 AM and call time at the office is at 8, God must have had mercy on me that the moment I ventured out of the house, I got to ride a jeep without having to waste minutes waiting for one. That lucky streak continued for the next jeep ride and then a tricycle so that I got to the office at relatively early for one so late :P

I decided to have my breakfast and prayer time in the office na rin to save on time so I did just that. Then work began. While taking a break before I tackle two articles lined up -- one for editing and the other for fleshing out, I decided to check out for some songs I had playing in my head. Guess what I found? One of my favorite songs! Here it is:

I remember staff days singing to this song. And where I am now in my life, this song still fits. Hope you enjoy it. Now, its back to work...:)

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