Tuesday, July 11, 2006

On a rainy afternoon...

I wonder how that happens...one moment you are talking about something, generally getting along then all of a sudden - wham, you run into a brick wall you didn't see coming. The connection you had with your companion gets lost in the subsequent static of miscommunication. You say something, the other person understands it differently from how you meant it to be and what once was in harmony is now slightly at odds with one another.

You desperately scramble to get a better reception while at the same time defending your stand and the context in which you said it. Then as the discussion goes along you lose sight of what your whole purpose for saying it in the first place was all about. Then you shift to a conciliatory stance deeming it better to preserve peace rather than to prove that you were right in your assertions.

"Pick your battles," I tend to say. In the long run we are after peace and goodwill rather than proving who is right. Yet it takes stepping back from being in the midst of such situations and taking stock objectively, is this discussion worth ruining, damaging or endangering the present relationship I have with this person?

If the answer is "No" then its better to seek for peace and pursue it, that in doing so we create the peace we so all desire to have and experience....

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